Appeal of the President of the Supreme Court to the National Council of the Judiciary of August 27, 2019
Supreme Court Warszawa, 27 August 2019 of the Republic of Poland First President of the Supreme Court Professor Dr. Hab. Małgorzata Gersdorf Ladies and gentlemen, Members of the National Council of the Judiciary Due to my office as the First President of the Supreme Court, I
Read MoreTroll farm at the Ministry of Justice, part 3. Judges organize smear campaign against the president of the Supreme Court
Magdalena Gałczyńska, Onet website 21 August 2019 According to the postings in WhatsApp, last summer, Judge Konrad Wytrykowski, who is currently a member of the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court, came up with the idea of sending postcards to the Supreme Court President, Prof. Małgorzata Gersdorf. Postcard slogan:
Read MoreAppeal of the Themis Association of Judges on the 26 August 2019 regarding the so-called “Piebiak scandal”
We express deep indignation at the government propaganda repeated by the Minister of Justice and his subordinate officials involving the presentation of the so-called “Piebiak scandal” as an internal conflict between judges and attributing shared responsibility to the entire judicial environment for the conduct of the people employed by the
Read MoreApel Stowarzyszenia Sędziów „Themis” z dnia 26 sierpnia 2019 r. w sprawie tzw. „afery Piebiaka”
Apel Stowarzyszenia Sędziów „Themis” z dnia 26 sierpnia 2019 r. w sprawie tzw. „afery Piebiaka” Wyrażamy głębokie oburzenie z powodu powtarzanej przez Ministra Sprawiedliwości i podległych mu urzędników rządowej propagandy polegającej na przedstawianiu tzw. „afery Piebiaka” jako wewnętrznego konfliktu pomiędzy sędziami i przypisywaniu całemu środowisku sędziowskiemu współodpowiedzialności za zachowania
Read MoreSelf-control, or caste checks the caste
Self-control, or caste checks the caste Ewa Siedlecka, the ‘Polityka’ weekly 22 August 2019 We already have eleven names of troll judges associated with the ‘Law and Justice’ authorities, who, under the leadership of the former Deputy Minister of Justice Łukasz Piebiak, participated in the stalking of judges opposed
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