The next Polish judge, Agnieszka Niklas-Bibik from Regional Court in Słupsk, was suspended
▶️ The next Polish judge, Agnieszka Niklas-Bibik from Regional Court in Słupsk, was suspended for questioning the legal status of neo-judges on 29 October 2021. ▶️ She was suspended for 30-days with a view of prolongement by the Disciplinary Chamber for undefined period of time. ▶️ Decision on her provisional
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Stanowisko w sprawie rezolucji Parlamentu Europejskiego z dnia 21 października 2021 r. w sprawie kryzysu praworządności w Polsce i nadrzędności prawa UE (2
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The President suspended a judge because he did not recognise the rulings of the neo-judges. This is the first such case since the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal. “Gazeta Wyborcza”, Jarosław Sidorowicz, 23 October 2021 Link to original publication in Polish:,44425,27722124,represje-w-krakowskim-sadzie-prezes-zawiesila-sedziego-bo.html Regional Court in Kraków (Photo Jakub Włodek / Agencja
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