Autodenunciation made by 73 judges in a gesture of solidarity with Judges wanted for hanging posters with the demands of the Associations of Judges
Krakow, March 13, 2020 President of the Regional Court in Krakow SSR Dagmara Pawełczyk – Woicka Adm.SO.-447-68 / 19 In reference to previous correspondence regarding the return of posters with the following demands of the Associations: „1. the immediate reinstatement of Judge Paweł Juszczyszyn, 2. the appointment of a non-political
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Ewa Siedlecka, ”Conservative blog” of „Polityka” weekly Link to the original publication: Igor Tuleya, one of the icons of resistance against the politicization of the courts, is to be accused of abuse of powers. The allegation is so absurd that it would not stand up in any court.
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ENCJ letter to KRS 21 February 2020
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Letter Judicial Networks to President Von der Leyen 21 Feb 2020
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„A draft comprehensive bill amending the Act on the Organization of Ordinary Courts, the Act on the Supreme Court and the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary was submitted on 12 December 2019, and then voted on by the parliamentary majority in the lower house of the Polish
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