With reference to the statement made by Regional Court Judge Maciej Nawacki presented on 28 August 2018 in the television material broadcast in the main broadcast of the news programme, “Fakty”, from the TVN television station, which was elaborated upon in the radio interview of 6 September 2018 broadcast in the Polskie Radio Olsztyn radio station, in which it was suggested that the judges of the Supreme Court committed an obvious and gross breach of the law when issuing the judgment of 2 August 2 2018, case reference III UZP 4/18, among others, suspending the application of some of the provisions of the Act on the Supreme Court of 8 December 2017, and therefore may be subject to disciplinary liability, the Council of the Regional Court in Olsztyn strongly believes that such conduct of a judge of an ordinary court oversteps the principle of substantive criticism of a judgement of the highest court instance, which simultaneously strikes at its authority (§ 4 of the Collection of principles of professional ethics of judges and trainee judges). Likewise, the part of the judge’s statement that contains a threat of initiating disciplinary proceedings against the Supreme Court judges who took part in issuing the said judgment should be treated as being in conflict with good practices (§ 2 of the Set of professional ethics rules of judges and court assessors).